Monday, October 8, 2007

Don't Fence Me In

Day 11
Weight: 214.5 lbs.
Food Intake:
Breakfast: small cup of banana juice
Lunch: stewed squash seasoned with sea salt (3 young summer squashes)
2 small avocado on barley bread sanwiches (2 tablespoons of mashed avocado between 4 2x3 inch thin slices)
a banana
a mandarin
Dinner: small cup of banana juice
stewed squash seasoned with sea salt (3 young summer squashes)
2 small avocado on barley bread sanwiches (2 tablespoons of mashed avocado between 4 2x3 inch thin slices)
half a mango

When I woke up this morning, I found the cow had escaped during the night. The little fence I built was smashed through on one side. I saw more than just cow tracks. It looks like she was in heat and a bull got through the fence after her. Perhaps I should build a better fence before attempting to bring the cow home. How could I have slept through that?!

I had an idea to bring some of those old mud bricks here and construct myself a real oven. This would either take days, or a cart. So I filled my day with sizing wood and shapes to make wheels and an axle. In the process I spotted a small bush-like tree loaded with yellow and orange fruit. At first I thought they were lemons, but they proved to be mandarins. This was another welcome addition to my ever growing store of foods.

Since I had enough food stores in or near camp to last the day, I focused on building the cart until dark. My strength is beginning to return slowly. The weather is clearing. I look up into the sky and see stars!


maxine said...

Oh no! Not only did your cow escape, but so did all plans for milk, butter, cheese, sirloin... :-(
But look on the bright side -- maybe you'll find her again. And it's good to know you're sleeping soundly again after those restless nights.

Unknown said...

Meh. The cow was probably bad anyway. I still think you should focis more energy on fishing. Fish are a great souce of protein, vitamins A & D, and omega 3 fatty acids. One serving of an oily fish/week helps prevent dementia, fights depression, reduces the likelihood of heart disease, and improves arthritis conditions. Oily fish are things like Salmon, Trout, Mackerel, Herring, Sardines, Eel, Anchovies, Swordfish, & Carp. White fish (not oily), are those like Cod, Haddock, Catfish, & Flounder. It should be noted that a max of 4 servings of oily fish are recommended / week, but there's no limit on white fish.

peggy at the lake said...

Well, I hope that "all of a sudden"
your sweet cow returns, and then
you will have even more "stock of
food" close by! Isn't it exciting
to be losing weight as you go on this mysterious journey, and make
all the neat & fabulous discoveries!
I love your blog, and I noted that
you already have many, many readers
to enjoy the journey with you!
Keep on blogging---it's real fun!!